Word - Wiktionary

Word - Wiktionary
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Word - Wiktionary Word had gone round during the day that old Major, the prize Middle White boar, had had a strange dream on the previous night and wished to communicate it ... English Adverb . word for word. In exactly the same words (as were originally used). He was able to repeat the entire script word for word. The two essays ... ??? ???????? 157 000+ ??. Italiano Il dizionario libero 410 000+ lemmi. Português O dicionário livre 219 000+ entradas


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    English Adverb . word for word. In exactly the same words (as were originally used). He was able to repeat the entire script word for word. The two essays ...
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    ??? ???????? 157 000+ ??. Italiano Il dizionario libero 410 000+ lemmi. Português O dicionário livre 219 000+ entradas

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