Resolve A DOI Name

Resolve A DOI Name
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Resolve A DOI Name Type or paste a DOI name into the text box. Click Go. Your browser will take you to a Web page (URL) associated with that DOI name. Send questions or comments to doi ... Resolve a DOI Name. Type or paste a DOI name, e.g., 10.1000/xyz123, into the text box below. (Be sure to enter all of the characters before and after the slash. Users may resolve DOI names that are structured to use the DOI system Proxy Server ( (preferred) or The resolution of the DOI name ... In computing, a Digital Object Identifier or DOI is a persistent identifier or handle used to uniquely identify objects, standardized by the ISO. An implementation of ... No large group of recently extinct placental mammals remains as evolutionarily cryptic as the approximately 280 genera grouped as /`South American native ungulates/'. shortDOI ® The shortDOI Service creates shortened DOI ® names, of the form 10/abcde, as aliases for existing DOI names, which are often very long strings. Epigenetic modifiers have fundamental roles in defining unique cellular identity through the establishment and maintenance of lineage-specific chromatin and ... COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS . Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation . DIVISION OF INSURANCE . 1000 Washington Street ? Suite 810 ? Boston, MA 02118 ... If the publisher is a university and the name of the state or province is included in the name of the university, do not repeat the name in the publisher location. Chikungunya Virus and Chikungunya Fever. Chikungunya virus is a mosquito-borne alphavirus; its name comes from a Makonde word describing the bent posture of persons ...


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