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Answering Muslims: Allah Allah is an Arabic term for ?God.? It is a contraction of al-ilah (?the god?; al = ?the? / ilah = ?god?). Although Allah was one of the many deities ... Muslims are fond of citing John 17:3 in an effort to deny the Trinity and the deity of Christ. Since their own exegetical abilities are quickly taxed upon being ... Christianity, Islam, answering christianity, answering islam, islam, allah, muhammad, jesus, christianity, christ, quran, qur'an, koran, bible, jehovah, yahweh ... Provides an in-depth historical and Biblical response to doctrines of Islam and counters claims of Islamists. Includes an encyclopedia of Islam. Who was the sacrificed son? And in Islam there is no "El" in names as in Ishmael? Is the GOD of Islam different? Allah Almighty allowed for His Holy Name to be ...
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- Answering Muslims: Allah
Allah is an Arabic term for ?God.? It is a contraction of al-ilah (?the god?; al = ?the? / ilah = ?god?). Although Allah was one of the many deities ...
http://www.answeringmuslims.com/p/allah.html?m=1 - Answering Muslims
Muslims are fond of citing John 17:3 in an effort to deny the Trinity and the deity of Christ. Since their own exegetical abilities are quickly taxed upon being ...
http://www.answeringmuslims.com/?m=1 - Answering Christianity : Islam Answers Trinitarian Beliefs.
Christianity, Islam, answering christianity, answering islam, islam, allah, muhammad, jesus, christianity, christ, quran, qur'an, koran, bible, jehovah, yahweh ...
http://www.answering-christianity.com/ac.htm - Answering Islam, A Christian-Muslim Dialog and Apologetic
Provides an in-depth historical and Biblical response to doctrines of Islam and counters claims of Islamists. Includes an encyclopedia of Islam.
http://answering-islam.org/ - What is the Wisdom of Islam? And how will Allah Almighty ...
Who was the sacrificed son? And in Islam there is no "El" in names as in Ishmael? Is the GOD of Islam different? Allah Almighty allowed for His Holy Name to be ...