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Twinkie - Wikipedia A Twinkie is an American snack cake, marketed as a "Golden Sponge Cake with Creamy Filling." It was formerly made and distributed by Hostess Brands. "Twinkie defense" is a derisive label for an improbable legal defense. It is not a recognized legal defense in jurisprudence, but a catchall term coined by reporters ... Un twinkie es un pastelito relleno de crema. Los twinkies están elaborados de una masa esponjosa rellena de crema en su interior ("Golden Sponge Cake with Creamy ... Twinkie a acquis plusieurs significations d?argot. Dans l?argot gay, « Twinkie » est utilisé généralement pour décrire un jeune homme attirant, mince et ... Geschichte. Twinkies wurden um 1930 in Schiller Park (Cook County, Illinois) von James A. Dewar, einem Bäcker der Continental Bakeries (später Hostess), erfunden. Twinkie on kermatäytteinen kullanruskea leivos, jonka on luonut yhdysvaltalainen Hostess. Sitä valmistaa Continental Baking Co., jonka omistaa kansanscityläinen ... ?????? (????. Twinkies), ??????? ??????? ? ???????? ???????????? (????. Golden Sponge Cake with Creamy Filling) ... Twinkie är ett amerikanskt snack som produceras av företaget Hostess Brands. Externa länkar. Produktsida på Hostess webbplats Have you ever thought about why the Easter Bunny does not use the Chimney when delivering Easter Eggs and Presents? Well, someone has an answer for you on that one!
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- Twinkie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Twinkie is an American snack cake, marketed as a "Golden Sponge Cake with Creamy Filling." It was formerly made and distributed by Hostess Brands.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twinkie - Twinkie defense - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Twinkie defense" is a derisive label for an improbable legal defense. It is not a recognized legal defense in jurisprudence, but a catchall term coined by reporters ...
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twinkie_defense - Twinkie - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Un twinkie es un pastelito relleno de crema. Los twinkies están elaborados de una masa esponjosa rellena de crema en su interior ("Golden Sponge Cake with Creamy ...
https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twinkie - Twinkie ? Wikipédia
Twinkie a acquis plusieurs significations d?argot. Dans l?argot gay, « Twinkie » est utilisé généralement pour décrire un jeune homme attirant, mince et ...
https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twinkie - Twinkie ? Wikipedia
Geschichte. Twinkies wurden um 1930 in Schiller Park (Cook County, Illinois) von James A. Dewar, einem Bäcker der Continental Bakeries (später Hostess), erfunden.