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Blank blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank (according to the recommendations of the TPILB-Project). Blank definition, (of paper or other writing surface) having no marks; not written or printed on: a blank sheet of paper. See more. blank (bl?ngk) adj. blank·er, blank·est 1. a. Devoid of writing, images, or marks: a blank wall; a blank screen. b. Containing no information; unrecorded or erased ... Noun . blank ?(plural blanks) A cartridge that is designed to simulate the noise and smoke of real gunfire without actually firing a projectile. Watch Taylor's new video for "Blank Space". No animals, trees, automobiles or actors were harmed in the making of this video. Taylor?s new release 1989 ...
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http://blank.org/ - This Page Intentionally Left Blank
This Page Intentionally Left Blank (according to the recommendations of the TPILB-Project).
http://this-page-intentionally-left-blank.org/ - Blank | Define Blank at Dictionary.com
Blank definition, (of paper or other writing surface) having no marks; not written or printed on: a blank sheet of paper. See more.
http://www.dictionary.com/browse/blank - Blank - definition of blank by The Free Dictionary
blank (bl?ngk) adj. blank·er, blank·est 1. a. Devoid of writing, images, or marks: a blank wall; a blank screen. b. Containing no information; unrecorded or erased ...
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/blank - blank - Wiktionary
Noun . blank ?(plural blanks) A cartridge that is designed to simulate the noise and smoke of real gunfire without actually firing a projectile.