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What - Wiktionary ??? ???????? 155 000+ ??. Italiano Il dizionario libero 403 000+ lemmi. Português O dicionário livre 218 000+ entradas Welcome to the English-language Wiktionary, a collaborative project to produce a free-content multilingual dictionary. It aims to describe all words of all ... Wiktionary (whose name is a blend of the words wiki and dictionary) is a multilingual, web-based project to create a free content dictionary of all words in all languages Am 1. Mai 2016 ist das deutschsprachige Wiktionary 12 Jahre alt geworden. Der erste Eintrag im Jahre 2004 war ?ich?. Am 25. April 2016 wurde mit Kanadou der 500.000. Wikipedia. This is a list of both complete and abbreviated English Internet slang. Some of the abbreviations listed are not confined to the Internet, but ... ????????????. ???????? (Wiktionary) ? wiki ? dictionary ?????????? ??????? ... Le Wiktionnaire possède une communauté de contributeurs accueillante, prête à vous aider. Vous pouvez, par exemple : poser des questions sur les mots Wikipedia is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization that also hosts a range of other projects. Prawn? i techniczn? odpowiedzialno?? za Wikis?ownik ponosi Fundacja Wikimedia. Partnerem Fundacji jest Stowarzyszenie Wikimedia Polska, zajmuj?ce si? promocj? ... ?????? ????? ???????????! ????????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ????? ?????, ?????? ?????? ...
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??? ???????? 155 000+ ??. Italiano Il dizionario libero 403 000+ lemmi. Português O dicionário livre 218 000+ entradas
https://www.wiktionary.org/ - Wiktionary:Main Page - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Welcome to the English-language Wiktionary, a collaborative project to produce a free-content multilingual dictionary. It aims to describe all words of all ...
https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Main_Page - Wiktionary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wiktionary (whose name is a blend of the words wiki and dictionary) is a multilingual, web-based project to create a free content dictionary of all words in all languages
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiktionary - Wiktionary
Am 1. Mai 2016 ist das deutschsprachige Wiktionary 12 Jahre alt geworden. Der erste Eintrag im Jahre 2004 war ?ich?. Am 25. April 2016 wurde mit Kanadou der 500.000.
https://de.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wiktionary:Hauptseite - Appendix:English internet slang - Wiktionary
Wikipedia. This is a list of both complete and abbreviated English Internet slang. Some of the abbreviations listed are not confined to the Internet, but ...