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Islamic Islam is often seen as having the simplest doctrines of the major religions. Its most fundamental concept is a rigorous monotheism, called taw??d (Arabic: ????? Dubai: The UAE's target of leading the global Islamic economy is an achievable target, given its strong fundamentals in the seven core aACAypillars' of the Islamic ... Islamic definition, the religious faith of Muslims, based on the words and religious system founded by the prophet Muhammad and taught by the Koran, the basic ... Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad. Those who follow Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe that there is only ... Given a location, the site provides local prayer times and a list of masjids, Islamic centers and organizations, and Islamic-owned businesses nearby. A great information site about Islam and Muslims in text,audio and video. Also, a good reference for non-Muslims who are searching about Islam, Muslims, Prophet ... Islamic art encompasses the visual arts produced from the 7th century onward by people who lived within the territory that was inhabited by or ruled by ... This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of ... Islamic Beliefs Beliefs are important in Islam. Right beliefs about God, the universe, and humanity is of primary concern to Muslims. The Quran, the sacred text of ...
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Welcome to the premier Islamic philosophy resource on the Web. We are dedicated to the study of the philosophical output of the Muslim world.
http://www.muslimphilosophy.com/ - IslamicFinder: Accurate Prayer Times, Athan (Azan ...
Given a location, the site provides local prayer times and a list of masjids, Islamic centers and organizations, and Islamic-owned businesses nearby.
http://www.islamicfinder.org/ - Alhabib Web Service: Coloring with Islam
Alhabib provides muslims across the internet with various web services and widgets. Here you can find greeting cards for various islamic events, islamic calendar and ...
http://www.al-habib.info/ - IslamiCity.com - Islam & The Global Muslim eCommunity
A great information site about Islam and Muslims in text,audio and video. Also, a good reference for non-Muslims who are searching about Islam, Muslims, Prophet ...
http://www.islamicity.com/ - Islam - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Islam (Arabic: ???????, Al-Islam) is a religion that believes in one god. In Islam, Allah is always Allah, which is the Arabic word for 'the god' or 'the deity'.