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Script.aculo.us - Web 2.0 Javascript A collection of Web 2.0 style JavaScript libraries that help web developers to easily add visual and ajax effects to projects. Requires Prototype. script.aculo.us is an open-source JavaScript framework for visual effects and interface behaviours. Grab the code from Github! ... Grab the RSS feed! Project Description Nexus is an open source web 2.0 personal social platform, something like igoogle and pageflakes. It allows you to mix both your personal, social ... v AccDC Ample SDK AngularJS Atoms.js DHTMLX Dojo Echo3 Ember.js Enyo Ext JS Google Web Toolkit jQuery jQWidgets Kendo UI midori MochiKit MooTools OpenUI5 Prototype ... A foundation for ambitious web applications. Prototype takes the complexity out of client-side web programming. Built to solve real-world problems, it adds useful ... While JavaScript, as first developed by Netscape (and later Mozilla), has long had a presence on the Web for many websites, it gained a particular pitch with the rise ... JavaScript, with the rise of Ajax, is definitely a must-know-well for every web designer/developer. Besides form controls, alerts & similar simple JavaScript usage ... ModalBox is a JavaScript technique for creating modern (Web 2.0-style) modal dialogs or even wizards (sequences of dialogs) without using conventional popups and page ... A Word Cloud is a visual representation of some text as a bunch of words based on a weight associated to each word. Typically, the frequency (keyword density) of the ...
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- script.aculo.us ? web 2.0 javascript
A collection of Web 2.0 style JavaScript libraries that help web developers to easily add visual and ajax effects to projects. Requires Prototype.
http://script.aculo.us/ - Home ? Scriptaculous Documentation
script.aculo.us is an open-source JavaScript framework for visual effects and interface behaviours.
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Grab the code from Github! ... Grab the RSS feed!
http://scripty2.com/ - Nexus - A web 2.0 Personal Social Platform - Home
Project Description Nexus is an open source web 2.0 personal social platform, something like igoogle and pageflakes. It allows you to mix both your personal, social ...
http://nexus.codeplex.com/ - Comparison of JavaScript frameworks - Wikipedia
v AccDC Ample SDK AngularJS Atoms.js DHTMLX Dojo Echo3 Ember.js Enyo Ext JS Google Web Toolkit jQuery jQWidgets Kendo UI midori MochiKit MooTools OpenUI5 Prototype ...