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Andy Shora Hi, I'm Andy. I try to publish fun stuff about frontend web development as much as I can. Follow me @andyshora When is a good time to write Unit Tests? It's easy for a semi-technical manager to say "write all tests at the start", but the truth is, you often don't know all the ... La Doctora Shora. Un espacio en donde la medicina se asoma en sus múltiples formas: Para asombrarnos con sus maravillas, para concienciarnos con sus limitaciones ... If you're going on vacation for a few days and don't have a way to keep your indoor plants watered, you can actually keep them alive with some paper towels and a ... 27-year-old Shehla Rashid Shora, a girl from downtown Srinagar, has emerged as a prominent voice of the ongoing agitation at JNU demanding release of ... Profile. TV Movie: Waiting for Love (English title) Revised romanization: Yeonaereul Kidaehae Hangul: ??? ??? Director: Lee Eun-Jin; Writer: Joo Hwa-Mi 6 základních úder? . Forehand. Nejp?irozen?j?í úder, ale to neznamená ?e je nejjednodu??í se nau?it. Kdy? ti protivník vrátí mí?ek p?ímo na ... 1. Make biodegradable planters out of toilet paper rolls. 2. Grow your own MOSS GRAFFITI. 3. Succulent cuttings begat even more succulents. 4. Start a seedling in a ... diskuzní fórum problematika potravinové alergie, alergie na mléko, intolerance laktózy, alergie na sóju, o?echy, vejce, maso, ryby, obilniny, celiakie Zem? je t?etí planeta slune?ní soustavy, zárove? nejv?t?í terestrická planeta v soustav? a jediné planetární t?leso, na n?m? je dle sou?asných ...
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- Andy Shora, Front-end Web Developer in London
Hi, I'm Andy. I try to publish fun stuff about frontend web development as much as I can. Follow me @andyshora
http://andyshora.com/ - Unit Testing Best Practices in AngularJS - Andy Shora
When is a good time to write Unit Tests? It's easy for a semi-technical manager to say "write all tests at the start", but the truth is, you often don't know all the ...
http://andyshora.com/unit-testing-best-practices-angularjs.html - La Doctora Shora - Blogs de EL PAÍS
La Doctora Shora. Un espacio en donde la medicina se asoma en sus múltiples formas: Para asombrarnos con sus maravillas, para concienciarnos con sus limitaciones ...
http://blogs.elpais.com/la-doctora-shora/2012/02/pecs-el-lenguaje-del-autismo.html - Keep Plants Watered for Days with Nothing But Paper Towels
If you're going on vacation for a few days and don't have a way to keep your indoor plants watered, you can actually keep them alive with some paper towels and a ...
http://lifehacker.com/5921718/keep-plants-watered-for-days-with-nothing-but-paper-towels - Shehla Rashid, firebrand Kashmiri, leading JNU students ...
27-year-old Shehla Rashid Shora, a girl from downtown Srinagar, has emerged as a prominent voice of the ongoing agitation at JNU demanding release of ...