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Gramophone Record - Wikipedia A gramophone record (phonograph record in American English) or vinyl record, commonly known as a record, is an analogue sound storage medium in the form of a flat ... A gramophone record (or just record) is a type of analog storage medium. It stores recorded music (or other sounds). It was popular during most of the 20th century. Gramophone might refer to: A phonograph, the first device for recording and replaying sound. The two names were originally those used by rival manufacturers.
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- Gramophone record - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A gramophone record (phonograph record in American English) or vinyl record, commonly known as a record, is an analogue sound storage medium in the form of a flat ...
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gramophone_record - Gramophone record - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...
A gramophone record (or just record) is a type of analog storage medium. It stores recorded music (or other sounds). It was popular during most of the 20th century.
https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gramophone_record - Gramophone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gramophone might refer to: A phonograph, the first device for recording and replaying sound. The two names were originally those used by rival manufacturers.