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Are You Making These Embarrassing Social Media Blunders? Social media has tremendous potential to make your brand look really, really good. Not only can it drive referrals and leads, but it can increase your ... Facebook, Twitter, and even blog posts can lose you a job, and the bar for what counts as a social media "mistake" is lower than you'd expect. Here are the ten worst ... Companies are increasingly turning to social media to expand their Internet presence, promote their brand and engage with consumers. However, while social media is a ... I?ve had my share of embarrassing moments (I swear, the above example was a friend!), and I?ve been on the flip side of the coin, too. Sticking your foot in your ... Twitter is a powerful tool for brands to directly interact with fans, build relationships with customers and keep people in the loop. It's also a place ... When you're globalizing a brand, it's always a good idea to check whether your name, logo, or tag line means something different in the regions where you ... From Wikipedia, ?The phrase social fascists was used by communists against social democrats before 1933, and is still used in some communist circles to refer to ... Social Media Week is a leading news platform and worldwide conference that curates and shares the best ideas and insights into social media and technology ... Get the latest technology news, articles and op-eds. A look at the innovations and technologies that are shaping the future and changing the world. Thought Of The Day. ADVERTISEMENT
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- Are You Making These Embarrassing Social Media Blunders?
Social media has tremendous potential to make your brand look really, really good. Not only can it drive referrals and leads, but it can increase your ...
http://www.forbes.com/sites/johnrampton/2015/02/24/are-you-making-these-embarrassing-social-media-blunders/ - 10 Social Media Blunders That Cost a Millennial a Job - TIME
Facebook, Twitter, and even blog posts can lose you a job, and the bar for what counts as a social media "mistake" is lower than you'd expect. Here are the ten worst ...
http://time.com/money/3019899/10-facebook-twitter-mistakes-lost-job-millennials-viral/ - 10 of the Dumbest Social Media Blunders Ever - Entrepreneur
Companies are increasingly turning to social media to expand their Internet presence, promote their brand and engage with consumers. However, while social media is a ...
https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/247423 - The Most Common Embarrassing Social Blunders and How to ...
I?ve had my share of embarrassing moments (I swear, the above example was a friend!), and I?ve been on the flip side of the coin, too. Sticking your foot in your ...
http://lifehacker.com/the-most-common-embarrassing-social-blunders-and-how-to-1715300317 - 13 Epic Twitter Fails By Big Brands - Business Insider
Twitter is a powerful tool for brands to directly interact with fans, build relationships with customers and keep people in the loop. It's also a place ...